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Booking for 2024
Booking for 2024
Booking for 2024

Nurturing Authors and Transforming Narratives Into Their Full Potential


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Where Your Story Finds Its Season

Just as summer turns to fall, transforming nature’s canvas, Chaptered Vine Studio refines your manuscript with the care and warmth of an alluring autumn day.

After long days nestled in a coffee shop, and maybe a handful of sleepless nights, your manuscript is nearing completion. The characters that have been calling to you, the story that made its home in your mind and heart for so long, has finally made it onto the page. And it feels good. Maybe even great.

But then come the nerves, doubt, and questioning. Is it good enough? Am I good enough? What now?

You find your editor, that’s what.

Providing collaborative editing services to bring out the vibrant hues and crisp clarity in your writing


Twiddling my thumbs after I finished a draft I put my whole self into, wondering if it was worth anything. If I had any talent at all. But then … editing. The key to harvesting and revealing a story’s brilliance.

I know how vulnerable you may feel having someone walk into the world you've created, shift things around, and mark it up with their editing pen.

Which is why you won’t find an intrusion into your creativity or a mere lesson on comma usage (although I’ll provide that, too). You’ll find a true partner in refining your tale into the colorful masterpiece you set out for it to be. 

Elevating Your Story While Preserving Your Voice

Throughout the editing process, we'll work together to enhance your story and its characters, while retaining your unique voice and style. I aim to fully understand your vision for your work and help you bring it to life in the most authentic way.

meet the writer


Completing an additional round of detailed edits to ensure you're ready for publication


Line + Copyediting

Line Editing

Addressing the overall flow, style, and readability of your manuscript

Revising your work to eliminate grammatical or factual errors and inconsistencies

Combining edits for a clear, concise, and polished draft

Consider us co-conspirators. 

 I Don't Know What I Need

Tell Me More

My approach to editing is centered around collaboration and partnership. We work together to elevate your story and its characters, while preserving your unique voice and style. I want to understand your vision for your work and help you bring it to life in the most authentic way.




Eilidh is absolutely amazing! Not only does she have a beautiful personality and made me comfortable when we first spoke, but she provided detailed feedback. Her response was quick, clear, precise, and incredibly helpful. She helped me edit some of my university papers for an English course and her edits - as well as her notes and advice - were insightful and helped me feel more confident about my final work.

– Desiree Belanger, Rainy Days Library





Eilidh is an outstanding editor. She senses where the writer is going with the story and makes suggestions on how to improve copy without sacrificing voice. Her comments address both writing structure and story continuity, allowing the writer an objective lens through which to revise their work. She is very pleasant and agreeable, but straightforward in what she has to say. One gets the feeling she is on your team and wants to see your writing ready for readers.

Joseph Vaughan, Author





Eilidh is the only editor I will work with. She is kind, attentive, and above all, brilliant. She is honest when it comes to giving me an outlook that I never saw coming, a friend when I need it, and she has an eye for making my story better than it was even in my own imagination.

– Patrick Boen, Author





Eilidh is absolutely stellar! Great attention to detail, in depth feedback, and gentle with constructive criticism.

Look no further, you've found your editor!

– Kenzie Derby, Author





Eilidh returned my manuscript to me this morning and it's clear that I have a thing or two to learn about commas! I was pretty confident that she wouldn't find any errors, as I had printed out my whole manuscript and gone over it with a fine tooth comb, but Eilidh managed to not only spot some spelling errors, but also where I had missed a full-stop from the end of a couple of sentences, not used a capital letter and put semicolons in the wrong place. She has turned my manuscript from an okay piece of work into something wonderful that I am proud of.

Caroline Blake, Author





I needed someone to read over the rules of a new game I devised before it went on sale. As these could be complex to explain, it was important they made sense on the first reading to someone with no prior knowledge of the gameplay. Chaptered Vine Studio carefully checked the document for inconsistencies and ambiguities, so I can now sell the product knowing the rules are as clear as they can be.

Gavin Cameron, Author





I wanted to use this opportunity to thank you for assisting me. I’m glad I had the opportunity to work with you!
Thank you so much, Eilidh.

You’re an editing magician!

- A.N


Editor, writer, and lover of all things cozy & cottagecore.

We're in this together.

You don't just want an editor — you want a partner, someone who will walk alongside you and understand your vision. 

Which is why my approach to editing is centered around collaboration and partnership. I aim to educate through each edit, creating an inviting atmosphere that’s tailored to your learning style and helps you grow as a writer.

You can feel confident that your work will be returned to you elevated, and once you’ve applied the editorial notes, it will soon fall into the hands of your adoring readers. 

Get To Know Your Editor

Meet your partner in prose.

Our biweekly newsletter

If you’ve been...

  • Wondering whether your manuscript is "good" enough...
  • Obsessing over whether you should be using the Oxford comma...
  • Pouring over your draft, trying to figure out what's missing...
  • Losing sleep over the editing journey, wondering if you'll ever finish...
  • Just plain tired of editing your own work and need a fresh pair of eyes...

Then it's time for us to talk. 
It’s the next best thing to you & me being tucked away beside a warm fire in a cozy coffeehouse as the autumn leaves swirl outside. We’re discussing storytelling, character development, editing tips, and everything in between. Sign up below to never miss an installment.

Ready to Turn a New Leaf with Your Manuscript?



 I'm In!

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